The first time I saw Peter Jackson's King Kong, about 4-5 days after it was released, I adored it. Everything worked for me, including the maligned-by-others centre portion that some felt went on far too long. I saw it in Goa, India at a beautiful movie theatre called the Inox -- built the year before for the Indian Film Festival -- that could rival any theatre in North America. Afterwards, I wondered if my reaction may have been affected by the fact I saw it in a very unique place on the planet. So, upon our return to Canada, my wife and I went to see it again at the local theatre in Markham near where we live. It was cold and snowy and the First Markham multiplex ain't anybody's idea of a great venue. It's serviceable, but that's about it. My reaction didn't change. We might not have been in Goa anymore, yet I still loved Jackson's King Kong.
When a director or producer becomes smitten with his star, it can sometimes be disastrous. I recall Jennifer Jones, an actress from the 40s and 50s. She was a beautiful woman (she died just this past December) who was the mistress of producer David O. Selznick. He was so enamoured of her he gave her starring roles in numerous pictures, including Portrait of Jennie (1948) and Duel in the Sun (1946). Both were legendary flops in their day, partially because Jones was, at best, a mediocre actress. Fortunately, Jackson didn't have that trouble because Naomi Watts is a wonderful actress and she gave an absolutely outstanding performance in King Kong.
The film needed to show that Darrow herself was falling in love with Kong. If the actress wasn't up to the task, the film would not have worked. I hope some of the images here give a hint of what she did, but the best thing to do is just watch the picture. Watts was extremely fortunate because, when she was interacting with Kong, she didn't have to just pretend she was looking into the eyes of the big, hairy hunk. She had the very-talented Andy Serkis (Gollum in The Lord of the Rings films) to react to. Serkis, in motion capture, played King Kong, but he also was there for her, on set, in an odd monkey suit, to give her something to react against. Beyond her close-ups, Watts' performance is practically without dialogue; she relied totally on her face and body language to tell the story, and she was masterful at it. Two playful scenes sum-up what she did in the film. On Skull Island, Kong has taken Darrow to his lair high above the valley floor. At that point, Darrow figured she's going to be a blonde snack for the big fella, so she resorted to the one thing she knew best (she was an unemployed vaudvillian back in New York): she acted the silly clown, doing pratfalls and juggling in an attempt to dissuade Kong from eating her. It's a wonderful bit of almost silent-film acting that showed Watts' incredible range. The other is in New York after he's grabbed her again. After a rampage through the streets, they find themselves in Central Park. Kong stepped on a frozen pond and almost slipped. Nervous at first, he soon discovered the joy of sliding about on his bottom, so he, with Ann in hand, spun and flopped around on the ice.
-- David Churchill is a film critic and author. He is putting the finishing touches on his first novel, The Empire of Death.
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