Dr. Hans Asperger in Vienna circa 1934-44. (Photo: Booksfeat) |
A review of the new book by Edith Sheffer, Asperger’s Children: The Origin of Autism in Nazi Vienna.
Dear fellow oddballs: this man is not your friend, and never was.
One day recently I was minding my own business and planning to write either
a long article or a short book about how many of our seismic shifts in art,
science, or culture were brought about by people who could charitably be
called "not exactly normal." It was not only obvious but even well known that
figures ranging from Einstein to Tesla were, to say the least, operating
off the beaten path, and also equally obvious that it was because they
marched to a different drummer that they came up with such simple but
earth-shattering notions such as alternating current engines and wireless
data transmission, long before any normals dreamed they were possible.
It was going to be called "The Outsiders Club: How Visionary Eccentrics
Transformed Our World and Why We Need Them to Do It Again." I even had a
great epigram planned to start the ball rolling, one that originated with
the somewhat quirky inventor of conceptual art, Marcel Duchamp,
when he cheekily remarked, “There is no solution to the problem because
there is no problem.” The basic premise was that there is a popular old
adage that people who behave themselves rarely make history. We might add
that people who don’t always play well with others sometimes come up with
startling insights that help the rest of us while they’re in the midst of
their secluded solitude.