Matthias Schoenaerts in The Mustang. |
The first images of
The Mustang, of a herd of wild
mustangs racing vainly across a western expanse while choppers buzzing
overhead round them up and vans cut off their escape route, is reminiscent
of scenes from the great 1953 Albert Lamorisse short
White Mane. It’s a hell of an opening: majestic and
unsettling in equal parts. And it lays the groundwork for the story, which
juxtaposes one of these magnificent wild creatures, a restless, apparently
unbreakable horse named Marquis (pronounced “Marcus”), with a violent
criminal named Roman Coleman (
Matthias Schoenaerts, Gabriel Oak in the 2015
remake of
Far from the Madding Crowd) who’s just been
released into the general prison population at the Northern Nevada
Correctional Institute after years in solitary. In his session with the
prison psychologist (Connie Britton), Roman refuses to answer her
questions; he looks like he’s about to implode, and he very nearly does –
though she’s a veteran, firm and fearless, so his resistance to her doesn’t
impress her. (Britton only has two scenes in the movie, but she makes the
most of them.) Finally he gets out “I’m not good with people,” so she
assigns him to outdoor work. Where he ends up is the Wild Horse Inmate
Program, whose director, Myles (Bruce Dern), with the help of an inmate
handler named Henry (Jason Mitchell), teaches prisoners to tame mustangs so
they’re fit to be auctioned off for a variety of purposes, including border
The Mustang is about how Roman and Marquis, in
effect, tame each other – after a very shaky start. Roman gets so
exasperated with the horse’s reluctance to let himself be subdued that, in
an astounding scene, he beats him with his fists until Myles has him
dragged off. Myles, not surprisingly, proclaims that he never wants to see
this inmate again, but Roman manages to redeem himself in an emergency and
is re-enlisted in the program.